


Yongming Yanshou of the Five Dynasties Period Theory of Buddhist Hermanutics: Its Heritage from and Deconstruction of Sui and Tang Period Doctrinal Classification


柳幹康(Mikiyasu Yanagi)


判教 ; 圭峰宗密 ; 永明延壽 ; 宗鏡錄 ; 一心 ; doctrinal classification ; Guifeng Zongmi ; Yongming Yanshou ; Zongjinglu ; one mind




19期(2016 / 03 / 01)


127 - 152






This paper will discuss how Yongming Yanshou 永明延壽 (904-976) inherited the logic of panjiao 判教 (doctrinal classification) from the Buddhism of the Sui and Tang period, and established his own Buddhist hermeneutic framework upon it. Although the Buddhist scriptures created in India include a variety of different teachings and theories, because all these had been transmitted to China as "the word of the Buddha," by the end of the later Han period, Buddhist exegetes felt a need to interpret these all as part of a uniform system. By the Sui and Tang period, to create a uniform interpretation of the whole of the Buddha's teachings, many monks classified Buddhist scriptures based on their own understanding of "the Buddha's intention" (foyi 佛意). This method of interpretation, whereby the Buddha's teachings are classified into multiple levels, is known as "panjiao"判教, a term usually translated as "doctrinal classification." Although Zongmi 宗密 (780-841), a monk of the mid-Tang period, added the new and influential Chan (Zen) school to his purview of his analysis, panjiao remained principally a method to classify Buddhist texts. Later, during the Five Dynasties period (907-960), the Chan monk Yongming Yanshou developed his own doctrinal classification system based on the Chan school's point of view "taking the mind as the basis" (yi xin wei zong 以心為宗). On one hand, Yanshou's system carries on the tradition of inhered from Zongmi and his predecessors in describing how the weiruzhe 未入者 (person who has not yet entered [enlightenment]) sees the world, on the other hand, he presents an entirely new and different method for interpreting Buddhism in describing how the shangshangji 上上機 ([person with] the utmost conditions [for attaining enlightenment]) sees the world. Yanshou believed that for all of the Buddhist scriptures, although they differ in terms of language, they all have the same referent (suoquan 所詮), that is the "one mind" (yixin 一心). Because of this, the most important thing for Yanshou was not the classification of scriptures, per se, but the realization of this "one mind." Yanshou's shangshangji 上上機, therefore, referred to people who were able realize this "one mind." In this way, the original purpose of prior panjiao systems, that is to say, the classification of particular scriptures and teachings, is missing from Yanshou's system and is instead absorbed into this entirely new Buddhist hermeneutic.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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