


An Empirical Research on "Nie-Bi Zhuan" of the Book Lie-Nyu Zhuan


黃羽璿(Yu-Hsuan Huang)


《列女傳》 ; 孽嬖 ; 劉向 ; 繆姜 ; 宣姜 ; 東郭姜 ; Lie-Nyu Zhuan ; Nie Bie ; Liu Xiang ; Mu Jiang ; Xuan Jiang ; Dong Guo Jiang




19期(2016 / 03 / 01)


153 - 166






The paper aims to investigate the historical events documented in the chapter "Nie-Bi Zhuan" of the book Lie-Nyu Zhuan, and makes an empirical research on the historical events, evaluating its differences between the original version and the reedited version. The article discusses the three characters respectively, Wife of King Xuan of Wei, Wife of Duke Huan of Lu, and Wife of Duke Dong Guo of Qi. According to "Nie-Bi Zhuan", Wife of King Xuan of Wei wanted to make her son the king, so she conspired to murder the crown prince, and thus resulted in the upheaval in Wei. However, based on the statement in "Nie-Bi Zhuan", the editor purposely ignored King Xuan of Wei’s deeds and imputed the crime on Hsuan Jiang, which had made her a completely "Nie Bie", and depicted the image that women brought disasters to the state. Wife of Duke Huan of Lu committed adultery with Qiao Run and planned to assassin Ji and Meng but failed in the end. Therefore, she was forced to move to Dong Gong and lived her rest of life. In "Nie-Bi Zhuan", the document only stated her act of adultery. Compared with other women in "Nie-Bi Zhuan", Wife of Duke Huan of Lu’s behavior was really outrageous and without any moral sense for she had served three kings. As the mother of the king, no other queens in "Nie-Bi Zhuan" were worse than her. As for Wife of Duke Dong Guo of Qi, she was originally the wife of one of the senior officers but she had an affair with the king. The document stated that the reason of the king’s death was for the adultery between Wife of Duke Dong Guo of Qi and himself. However, it was Cui Zhu who had conspired for a long time to murder the king. The adultery was nothing but an excuse. In conclusion, the paper argued that the theme of "Nie-Bi Zhuan" is that it must be women who brought disasters to the state. And the statements of "Nie-Bi Zhuan" may not conform to the truth, but it served as a lesson for the king.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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