


A Study of the Two Kinds of the "Basis (Āśraya)" of the "Transformation of the Basis (Āśraya-parivṛtti/Āśraya-parāvṛtti)" in the Consciousness-Only (vijñāpti-mātra) School-Focusing on the Cheng weishi lun and Kuiji's Cheng weishi lun shuji


趙東明(Chao TungMing)


轉依 ; 所依 ; 持種依(阿賴耶識) ; 迷悟依(真如) ; the transformation of the basis (fundamental transformation ; āśraya-parivṛtti/āśraya-parāvṛtti) ; basis(āśraya) ; basis of the holding seeds (store consciousness ; ālaya-vijñāna) ; basis of delusion and enlightenment (reality ; tathatā)




20期(2016 / 09 / 01)


161 - 210






This article is a study of the two kinds of the "Basis" (Āśraya, 所依) of the "Transformation of the Basis" (Fundamental Transformation; Āśraya-parivṛtti/Āśraya-parāvṛtti, 轉依) in the Consciousness-Only(vijñāpti-mātra) School. And will focus on the perspective of the Cheng weishi lun (《成唯識論》) and Kuiji's Cheng weishi lun shuji (《成唯識論述記》). According to Cheng weishi lun, there are "four meanings of the 'transformation of the basis'": "the path that operates transformation" (能轉道), "the basis to be transformed"(所轉依), "that which is rejected by transformation" (所轉捨), and "that which is acquired by means of transformation" (所轉得). In this article, I will particularly focus on this meanings: "the basis to be transformed" [which is "basis" (āśraya)]. My main views on this issue are: Basically "the basis to be transformed" of the "four meanings of the 'transformation of the basis'" is the "basis" (āśraya). In light of the interpretation of Cheng weishi lun, all pure and impure conditioned dharmas(saṃskṛta, 有為法) have two "bases"(āśraya): one is the "basis of the holding seeds" (持種依) that is "store consciousness" (ālaya-vijñāna, 阿賴耶識)[which belongs to conditioned dharma (saṃskṛta)] and the other is the "basis of delusion and enlightenment" (迷悟依) that is "reality" (tathatā, 真如)[which belongs to unconditioned dharma(asaṃskṛta, 無為法)].

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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