


The study on the natural images and the characteristics in Han Shi, from the point of ideological background to "Interaction between Heaven and Man"


呂怡菁(Lu YiJing)


漢代詩歌 ; 自然意象 ; 天人 ; 感應 ; 因果關係 ; Han Shi ; natural images ; heaven and man ; interaction ; causality




20期(2016 / 09 / 01)


63 - 103






One character of Han Shi which needs special attention is, it has a inner logical thought and the tendency of critical sense of vice and virtue. This paper argues that this character of Han Shi and the selection of the natural images are related to its time background. On the whole, the emotions in Han Shi are always follows the laws of natural and time rules, and using natural causality as the personnel causality. This feature can be said to be affectd deeply by the background of "Interaction between Heaven and Man" in the Han Dynasty. Thus, this article try to discuss the features of Han Shi from the following three categories, which were affectd by "Interaction between Heaven and Man". First, follow the time rules to think about emotion and life state in Han Shi. Secondly, to express the personnel rules in imitation of the natural rules in Han Shi. Thirdly, use the variation vision of natural to express the strong beliefs or condemnation. On these viewpoints, we may conclude that the thought about "Interaction between Heaven and Man" not only have influences on the political level, but also enter the thought patterns of the people in Han Dynasty, and created unique characteristics in the Han Shi.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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