


Construction of Chinese Theory History of Gardens (a): Pre-Qin and Han period


侯迺慧(Hou, NaiHuei)


園林 ; 園林理論 ; 園藝先秦兩漢 ; Garden ; Garden Theory ; Yuan Ye Pre-Qin and Han Dynasties




23期(2018 / 03 / 01)


133 - 201






The project intends to construct theory development history of Chinese gardens. Qin and Han first deal with the first year of part of the second year of the Six splicing process to the Tang, Yuan, Ming and generations to complete the third year, while and count into the "Yuan Ye" standards. Although the development of a long history of Chinese classical gardens, and in the Song giants in highly artistic achievement, a symbol of fun and full of a lot of freehand literati garden, has become an important typical. But the special theory of books on garden but only appeared late Ming Dynasty. When we read the relevant information landscape will not only find "Yuan Ye" Some theories mentioned gardening, writing on behalf of the author's garden in the front, has similar opinions fragments appear, and count as the book draws heavily on allusions also show "Yuan Ye" really inspired by a lot of the previous generation of garden experience and argument. The evolution of the context in which the inheritance, worth dredge and be renewed. In addition, "Yuan Ye" gardening theory is not complete, many previous scholars raised garden concept and has not been adopted. For example Waterscape part is lacking, but at least in the Tang Dynasty Baijuyi proposed building located waterscape make sense to show infinity and show the spirit of the method. Therefore, the construction of a comprehensive theory of the history of Chinese gardens can make up "Yuan Ye" missing, and systematically presents its development picture.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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