


The Writing and Value Of Guangxi Minority Poetry Under The Dimension of "Modern Literature"


董迎春(Dong, Ying-Chun);覃才(Qin, Cai)


現代漢語詩歌 ; 少數民族詩歌 ; 民族書寫 ; 創新 ; modern Chinese poetry ; minority poetry ; national writing ; creation




26期(2019 / 09 / 01)


79 - 101






As a type of poetry creation with the national characteristics, "national composition", "language" and "subject" are the three criteria to define the attributes of minority poetry in the dimension of modern literature. Because of special region and tradition reasons, the national writing mode of Guangxi minority poetry in modern dimension was born earlier, and its modern minority poetry creation mode based on national myth and legend, has a profound impact on the Chinese minority poetry. From the perspective of both traditional and modern creation of the three generations of minority poets in Guangxi, the modern exploration and evolution of Guangxi minority poetry have also shown the possibility of the present and future development of Chinese minority poetry and modern Chinese poetry to a great extent since 1949. It is rooted in the national tradition and Noumenon, is not only related to the national region, national spirit and modern Chinese poetry with a kind of traditional and modern community value, but also gives birth to a new development possibility for the modern Chinese poetry, which has a history of development for a hundred years.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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