


On Li Xian's Quotations from Chunqiu zuozhuan in His Annotations of History of Eastern Han


梁德華(Leung, Tak-Wah)


《後漢書》 ; 李賢 ; 《春秋左傳》 ; 杜預 ; Hou hanshu ; Li Xian ; Chunqiu zuozhuan ; Du Yu




27期(2020 / 03 / 01)


395 - 426






The sixth son of Emperor Gaozong 高宗of the Tang 唐dynasty, Li Xian 李賢(654-684)and scholars he recruited completed the commentary to Fan Ye's 范曄 Hou hanshu 後漢書in 676. The commentary comprises a diverse scope of citations from precedent texts, rendering it indispensable for textual emendation and the recovery of later lost works. Modern scholars have therefore been eagerly discussing textual correlations between Li Xian's commentary and previous texts, yet no comprehensive investigation has been conducted on the formats, functions and style of its citation of the Chunqiu zuozhuan 春秋左傳. Given its extensive citations from canonical (jing 經) texts, Li Xian's commentary consists of over 550 citations from the Chunqiu zuozhuan and its commentary by Du Yu 杜預, exceeding that from the Yili 儀禮, Zhouli 周禮and Liji 禮記combined. His manifest emphasis and preference towards the Chunqiu zuozhuan and Du Yu's commentary might be influenced by the publication of the puissant Wujing zhengyi 五經正義in 653, in which Kong Yingda's 孔穎達Chunqiu zuozhuan zhengyi 春秋左 傳正義was heavily based on Du Yu's commentary. Hence, investigating the utilization of citations from the Chunqiu zuozhuan and Du Yu's commentary in Li Xian's Hou hanshu commentary would reveal their reception among early Tang scholars. Additionally, this paper juxtaposes textual variants between the received edition of the Chunqiu zuozhuan and Du Yu's commentary and that cited in Li Xian's Hou hanshu commentary, evaluating the values and constraints of using Li Xian's commentary for textual emendation.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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