


Daomu Biji: The Swan Song of Twilight Zone


陳子丰(Chen, Zi-feng)


《盜墓筆記》 ; 志怪恐怖 ; 粉絲文化 ; 黃昏區域 ; Daomu Biji ; Zhiguai horror ; fandom culture ; twilight zone




28期(2020 / 09 / 01)


211 - 276






Daomu Biji (henceforth Daomu) is not only an outstanding work of the "tomb-raiding" genre, but also a representative of Internet literature and popular culture in the 2000s. A phenomenal work born from a niche genre, Daomu, through its rise in the 2000s and fall in the 2010s, has revealed the complicated interactions between the author's personal style, the heritage of various genres, the social environment and the mentality of the time. This article first argues that Daomu, by absorbing elements from different genres, has overcome its own genre’s weakness in composing long novels due to the particularly narrow theme. As a horror novel, Daomu fits in the category of Zhiguai ("tales of the strange") horror, while integrating beneficial elements from Gothic horror, adventure and Mafia literatures. Second, the article points out that Daomu was written in a time when Internet literature, ACGN culture and fandom culture were all starting to flourish in China. In combination with these then newly popularized cultures, Daomu has developed its own fandom culture, highlighting "brainstorming" and "serious devotion". While these features facilitated the popularization of the novel, more particularized factors account for the rise and fall of the novel and its genre. For example, Daomu, within it Zhiguai tradition, problematizes the truism of existing human knowledge, while also ,from the author’s own life experience, problematizing rationality. In the 2010s, however, the societal anxiety, the reevaluation of principles, as well as the interest in seeking ambiguities and transgressing boundaries, which together once nurtured the horror literature, have all bitten the dust. In a time that emphasizes "positivity" and tries to draw a clear line between good and bad, brightness and darkness, such work as Daomu, which focuses on the "twilight zone" in between, is doomed to become the swan song of its kind.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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