


The Literary Production and Culture Positioning of Malaysian Chinese Children's Literature in Early 1970s: A Case Study on Ertong Bao (Children Weekly), Malaysia


廖冰凌(Liau Ping Leng)


馬來西亞 ; 華文兒童文學 ; 《兒童報》 ; Malaysia ; Chinese Children Literature ; Mingguan Kanak-kanak (Ertong Bao or Children Weekly)




29期(2021 / 03 / 01)


191 - 233






The Chinese children's literature in Malaysia, which was developed in early 1920, is a part of Malaysian Chinese literature. For a long century, it has been participating in the local Chinese literature and cultural production activities, but it has not received the attention it deserved. Looking back at the period from pre-World War II to post-independent of the country, the development of Malaysian Chinese literature gained considerable attention even though it could hardly avoid the impact from crucial historical events and political changes. However, children's literature is still on the margins. This article takes Mingguan Kanak-kanak (Ertong Bao or Children Weekly) as the research object, trying to explore the roles and functions of this Chinese journal in Malaysia in the early 1970s. In the two decades after the war ended, the formation of the Cold War pattern and a series of major events in Asia prompted the new Southeast Asian countries eager to pursue their nation-building and their own ideologies. In 1970s, although Malaysia has already gained its independence, cultural and ethnic issues are remained unsolved. The policies formulated and promulgated during this period, such as national cultural policies, new economic policies, education and language policies, etc., all involved the distribution of resources and rights of various ethnic groups in the aspects of politics, economy, culture and education. The birth of Mingguan Kanak-kanak was just at the early stage of the political change, its cultural value and positioning could hardly immune to the emergence of new political practices and legal transformations. Therefore, how to achieve balancing in literature autonomy and government intentions would be a challenge. This article finds the editorial board put their hard efforts in performing the balancing.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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