


The Emergence of Non-Governmental Academic Groups and the "Cultural Craze" in the Mid to Late 1980s (I)


錢理群(Qian, Li-qun)


文化現代化 ; 文化反思 ; 新啟蒙 ; 中國與世界 ; cultural modernization ; cultural reflection ; new enlightenment ; China and the world




29期(2021 / 03 / 01)


43 - 111






This article mainly discusses the "Cultural Craze" that emerged in the intellectual circles in Mainland China during the mid to late 1980s (1985-1989). It focuses on introducing and analyzing the five folk ideological and cultural academics: the editorial board of Towards the Future Series, "Chinese Cultural Academy", Culture: China and the World, Youth Forum, New Enlightenment, their guiding ideology, academic activities and ideological achievements; at the same time, the most influential scholars, such as Jin Guan-tao, Li Ze-hou, Tang Yi-jie, Pang Pu, Gan Yang, Hu Ping, Wang Yuan-hua's academic thoughts and contributions, made preliminary contributions analysis: required to change a single economic modernization course, to conduct a comprehensive fundamental changes in political, economic, cultural institutions, political democracy, freedom of thought and academic independence "comprehensive modernization"; It requires the scientific spirit with suspicion and criticism as the core to conduct a comprehensive reflection on traditional culture, party culture, and western culture, and finally realize the multiple choices of culture and the organic integration of Chinese culture and world culture; it is required to completely get rid of the dependent status of intellectuals and truly become the master of the country, while constantly questioning itself.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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