The thesis explores the religious elements in Sun Weimin's poems and analyzes how they fuse with urban experiences, transforming the writing of Taiwanese city poems since 1980s. As a Christian poet, Sun's writing style seems to be out of place in postmodern cities of lost values and beliefs, yet in a way helping him make breakthroughs on styles. The thesis discusses Sun's poems from two aspects: the urban space and self- exploration. It suggests that the urban space in Sun's poems is characterized by the struggle among good and evil, redemption and despair, deities and demons, for his works teem with multiple religious elements. This shows Sun's reflection to the civilization and repetitive exploration to his belief. Varying from the previous writing pattern of city poems which put a dichotomy between the civilization and the religion, the civilization obviously has a landslide victory over the other in Sun's city poems. The wander and self-exploration of Sun's poems also try to challenge whether one can reach peace in oneself. From the transformation of style in Sun's The Tower of Bable and On the Earth' Surface, Sun has made mixed metaphors and transformation between urban space and religious images, creating the new path of poems.