


Modern Elegant Gatherings for Movie Spectacles: A Study on yingxi fiction of Great World Entertainment Center


邵棟(Shao, Dong)


舊派文人 ; 大世界遊樂場 ; 大世界報 ; 影戲小說 ; 文化場域 ; old fashioned scholars ; Great World Entertainment Center ; Great World Daily ; yingxi fiction ; cultural field




30期(2021 / 09 / 01)


393 - 433






This essay focuses on elegant gatherings and yingxi fiction creation in the Great World Entertainment Center during early Republican China. Yingxi is made by an old fashioned scholar called Lu Dan'an, After watching the imported silent movies, he records the contents and adapts them as fictional texts for the purpose of introducing the stories to those who could not afford to watch the films. How yingxi fiction is made, reveals the ruling order among the elegant gatherings, as well as the progress old fashioned Chinese novelists digest western culture and films. With cultural field, vernacular modernism, aura and mechanical reproduction as theoretical approaches, the struggle of Chinese literati against modernism will be interpreted.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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