


Eye Diseases and Related Internal Medicine Diseases of Poets in the Middle Tang Dynasty: Research and analysis of traditional Chinese and Western medicine


許玫芳(Xu, Mei-Fang)


眼疾 ; 消渴症 ; 病肺 ; 金篦術 ; 白內障 ; Eye disease ; diabetes ; lung disease ; grate ; cataract




33期(2023 / 03 / 01)


35 - 93






As there have been many people talking about the eye disease of Tang Dynasty poets in recent years, the author is also curious and wants to explore it. The author hired Dr. Shi Fuyuan, an assistant professor of the National Taiwan University School of Medicine, as a medical consultant. From the interview records, the eye diseases and related internal diseases of the people of the Tang Dynasty were clarified, and the theory of Chinese and Western medicine was used to verify them. There are three research results: first, the age of middle Tang poets with eye disease - the youngest is Han Yu 33 years old to the longest Xu Hun 69 years old. Second, the types of eye diseases that poets in the middle Tang Dynasty had:1. Darkness of the eyes (dizziness, blurred vision... Flowers look like fog (maybe cataracts); 2. Boundless vision (probably presbyopia); May be floaters); 4. Short-sightedness (possibly presbyopia); 5. Rao tears and dizziness (may be chronic conjunctivitis, trachoma or blocked tear ducts); 6. Eye pain: anxiety caused by disappointment, etc. Nervous eye fatigue caused by nervousness, neurasthenia, and overwork. 7. Dry eyes (may suffer from dry eyes or eye fatigue). Three wins, eye diseases of poets in the middle Tang Dynasty and related medical diseases: Only Bai Juyi may be accompanied by "diabetes", "disease of the lung and lung injury" (possibly chronic bronchitis). Ointment after the sundial, "Three Autumns hurts the eyes", "Cool hard work", "Aging and senile diseases"... etc. I have eye diseases, and try various herbs and golden grate techniques. In short, people in the middle Tang Dynasty also knew the relationship between "darkness of the eyes" and the technique of golden grate, but Bai Juyi even practiced the golden grate himself, but it was ineffective and "recited the poetry and wine of the diseased lungs", which made people sigh deeply and stabbed the fate of the ancients.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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