


Analysis and Discussion of the Section about the Family of King Xiao of Liang in the Historical Records by Sima Qian


黃世錦(Huang, Shi-jin)


《史記》 ; 《漢書》 ; 梁孝王 ; 劉武 ; 漢景帝 ; Historical Records by Sima Qian ; Book of Han ; King Xiao of Liang ; Liu Wu ; Emperor Jing of Han




33期(2023 / 03 / 01)


283 - 339






The Section about the Family of King Xiao of Liang in the Historical Records by Sima Qian is an account of the fierce and complex relationship between King Xiao of Liang and his brother (Emperor Jing of Han), which is characterized by a combination of courtly infighting, family quarrels, succession struggles, and mutual gression. The entire text analyses and discusses the relevant historical events of this biographical section in six points. (1)The affectionate domination of Emperor Jing of Han by Empress Dowager Dou. (2)King of Liang's efforts to defend the center during the rebellion. (3)The guilt of Emperor Jing in deceiving his younger brother and the act of compensation. (4)The abolition of the throne, which led to a resurgence of ambition on the part of the King of Liang. (5)The constraint of Empress Dowager Dou, who made Emperor Jing of Han fearful. (6)The means by which the Han dynasty took the opportunity to weaken the crown of Liang. The concluding remarks include an in-depth analysis of The Family of King Xiao of Liang, clues that corroborate each other from the relevant chapters of the Historical Records by Sima Qian, and the corroboration and discoveries from The Book of Han, Jia Zou Mei Lu. The text is summarized in three points: 1. Most of the blame for the breakdown in brotherhood lies with Emperor Jing of Han. 2. The King of Liang did not raise an army to usurp the throne because of the Empress Dowager. 3. Liu Wu (The King of Liang) died of fear, because of Liu Rong. By exploring and clarifying the relevant issues, we can understand why, after the "Rebellion of the Seven Kingdoms", the power of the King of Liang was not curtailed despite the central government's policy to abolish and suppress the lord kings, and why the king's majesty and pomp were "comparable to that of the emperor". It is also an opportunity to analyze and understand the psychological factors that led to the King of Liang's death from disease over his fear and resentment and prolonged anxiety. The political rivalry and competition between brothers reveals the struggle and cruelty within the Han court, thus allowing one to appreciate Sima Qian's metaphorical subtleties.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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