


The study of the "Master Poet of the South" Qiu Shuyuan and his position as a cultural loyalist


梁金群(Liang, Chin-chun)


丘菽園 ; 文化遺民 ; 漢詩 ; 南洋 ; 身分認同 ; Qiu Shuyuan ; Cultural Loyalists ; Han Poetry ; Nanyang ; Identity




34期(2023 / 09 / 01)


103 - 148






Qiu Shuyuan (1874-1941) was an important figure in the Nanyang Poetry scene in the late nineteenth century, combining the identities of scholars of the Qing Dynasty, classical Chinese poets, reformers, rich merchants, journalists, and Confucian activists. He stayed over 1,400 old-style poems, known as " Master Poet of the South" and "Nanyang talent". When he was a teenager, he received his sinology education in Haicheng, Fujian province, and settled in Singapore in 1892 due to his inherited family business. His Han poetry captures daily emotions, depicts Nanyang's customs, and the poems also present the singing and answering of modern literati and the mood of elegance and the cultural loyalists. Although Qiu is based on British colonies in Eastern and Western civilization, he is inspired by science, democracy, and multiculturalism, but he still assumes responsibility for the spread and promotion of Chinese culture in Singapore. He uses Confucian education, classical poetry, newspaper management, education promotion, selection of poetry and other habits, calls, and continued use of the Nanyang Chinese cultural system, highlighting the unique status of cultural loyalists from abroad. Based on the two fundamental concepts of "cultural loyalist" and "diaspora poetry", this article examines Qiu's activities in Nanyang and his language and actions, and is it sufficient to refer to the attitude and position of a life of the "cultural loyalist"?Furthermore, if we look at the narration of Qiu's poem, how can we describe the trajectory of changes in the state of cultural loyalist thought? What is the impact of life choices, discrete situations, and migration patterns on the identity and subjectivity of different generations? As an important indicator, the article examines the generative context of cultural loyalist remains abroad and the meaning of cultural loyalist remains.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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