


The Common Security and Defence Policy and the EU's Mission




吳萬寶(Wan-Pao Wu)


里斯本條約 ; 共同安全暨防衛政策 ; 境外任務團 ; Lisbon Treaty ; Common Security and Defence Policy ; Civil Mission ; Military Mission




7期(2011 / 06 / 01)


1 - 27






Since the Eruropean Union decided to send its first out-of-area mission in 2003, there have benn 24 missions undertaken regarding the tasks of conflict prevention, crisis management, and post-confict reconstruction in Africa, Middle East, South East Asia and South East Europe. In all, 15 countries and regions have received the assistance from EU's civil and military mission. Although that number is much fewer than the countries which receive economic and finacial support from EU, the EU already plays an global role for its Common Security and Defence Policy (ESDP), and Civil and Minlitary Mission.The ESDP is an important measure to build its autonomous action abilities and to solve diverse conflicts. Measures encompassing civil and military capabilities make the EU unlike the traditional 'Military Power', but has it a ”world power of special kind.” Nonetheless, different opinions arise about the effects of the missions so far; particularly the actual results of the certain military missions. The construction of EU's military capabilities is frequently considered militarization of the EU. In fact, the problem that the EU confronts is not that it does too much, but that it can not achieve its goals. The Lisbon treaty, entered into force from December 2009, gives new impetus to EU's foreign, security and defence policy, and provides solid legal and political underpinnings. But this time, whether or not the EU achieves its goals depends once again on the action and political will of its member states.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 地理及區域研究
人文學 > 人類學及族群研究
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 法律學
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