


China-Germany Relations of Economy, Trade and Diplomacy between the 18th and 19th Century




虞和芳(Ho-Fang Yu)


歷史研究 ; 外交關係 ; 商業競爭 ; 歐洲 ; study of the history ; diplomatic relations ; commercial competition ; Europe




8期(2012 / 07 / 01)


125 - 157




中德關係的歷史研究,是預定出版書籍計畫的一部份,為台灣南華大學歐洲研究所和馬爾它Dolphin科研暨文化基金會合作的一個項目。此至2014年計畫的任務是以科學的研究和史學的表達,探討德國和中國從開始至今的歷史關係,研究範圍除了外交關係和政治事件,還包括經濟關係和文化交流。本文簡要概述18 世紀貿易和經濟關係的開端,以及19 世紀外交關係之初始。主題重點在1861 年9 月2 日德國和中國所簽訂的《中德通商條約》,為德國和中國之間正式外交關係的開始。貿易為國家之間尋求正式外交關係的主要動機,廣州當時為中國對外貿易唯一的港口城市,而貿易和航運必需要有領事以代表德國的利益,在英國,法國,俄羅斯和美國在1858 年《北京條約》的貿易特權和北京設立大使館後,德國渴望也能與這些國家獲得同等的對待,以避免在商業競爭中處於劣勢地位。這些發展的研究,包含了歐洲國家彼此之間在歐洲的政治局勢中以及在中國內部中的競爭情況。


This study on the history of German-Chinese relations is part of a larger research and book project in cooperation with the Graduate Institute of European Studies, Nanhua University Taiwan, and the Dolphin Foundation for Science and Culture Malta. The project is ongoing until 2014. The task of the project is scientific research and historiographical representation of the history of German-Chinese relations from the beginnings to the present day. The contents are in addition to the diplomatic and political events as well as the economic relations and cultural exchange.The theme of this study is the beginning of trade and economic relationships since the 18th Century and the beginning of diplomatic relations in the 19th Century, here briefly summarized. The emphasis is on the German-Chinese Agreement dated September 2, 1861, beginning with the official diplomatic relations between Germany and China. Through trade and shipping is a representation of German interests through a consulate in Canton necessary. Canton is the only for the foreign trade opened Chinese port city. The trade relation is the main motive for the pursuit of official diplomatic relations between states. After England, France, Russia and the United States of America under the Treaty of Tiansin 1858 the right to construct consistently held embassies in Beijing and trade privileges had received in China, Germany aspired to get an equality with the States, in order not disadvantaged in the commercial competition. The study of these developments is in the context of competition between European states and the political situation in Europe and in China during this period.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 地理及區域研究
人文學 > 人類學及族群研究
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 法律學
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