


How Learning Facilitate Community Development in Rural Region: The Case of Yilan Community University Program




方雅慧(Ya-Hui Fang)


社區學習 ; 代間學習 ; 社區培力 ; 能力建構結社能力 ; 在地老化 ; community learning ; intergenerational learning ; community empowerment ; capacity building ; aging in place




21卷1期(2008 / 03 / 01)


65 - 95






Rural areas have long not been valued in regional development; however, community development as an effort of grassroots has worked wonderfully to revitalize old villages to blossom again. Yilan is one of these cases. The paper is to study a series of community development training programs for local residents, which are initiated and implemented by Yilan Community University and some locally-rooted community development organizations (NGO), and to explore the teaching methods applied to cultivate learners the ideals of community development and citizenship as well as know-how techniques. The study found that achieving community renaissance is a continuous process of citizenship education, and the innovative learning connection among individual, organization, and community, and other communities is the key to succeed in the process.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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