


Influencing Factors of Teachers' Integrating IT Technology into Teaching in Taipei Municipal Vocational High Schools




張基成(Chi-Cheng Chang);王秋錳(Chiu-Mang Wang)


資訊科技融入教學 ; 影響因素 ; 知能 ; 態度 ; IT integrating into teaching ; factor ; knowledge and ability ; attitude




21卷1期(2008 / 03 / 01)


97 - 132






This study aims to explore factors influencing the uses of teachers' integrating information technology into their teaching in Taipei municipal vocational high schools. Research results reveal that, besides three factors (school attribute, attribute of teacher preparation program, teaching hours) in personal background and one factor (technical support) in school environment, nine factors in personal background, four factors in teacher knowledge and ability, seven factors in teacher attitude, sixteen factors in school environment, and six factors in exterior environment (totally forty-two factors) have significant effects on how teachers integrate IT into their teaching. The better teachers' personal background, knowledge and ability, attitude, school environment and exterior environment are, the more information technology is integrated into teaching.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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