


Using "5Why Scaffolding Questioning" in Community Resources




盧秀琴(Chow-Chin Lu);柯琳耀(Lin-Yao Ke);洪榮昭(Jon-Chao Hong)


5Why鷹架式提問 ; 魚骨圖 ; 社區資源 ; 5Why scaffolding questioning ; fishbone diagram ; community resource




22卷2期(2009 / 12 / 01)


1 - 32






The study examined whether twenty three primary teachers who were trained in using 5Why scaffolding questioning could design questioning activities to allocate proper community resources for science and technology courses. The results show that (1) teachers incorporate 5Why scaffolding questioning in one of the activities provided in the textbook and guide students to draw fishbone diagrams first. Then, teachers look for community resources based on teaching needs and design 5Why scaffolding questioning activities. After the community resources activities, teachers and students go back to their classrooms and discuss related topics. Using fishbone diagrams, teachers guide students to identify the main cause to a problem. (2) Primary teachers choose nature experience-based community resources to help them design cognitive and affective activities in biology topics. They also choose exposition-based community resources to guide students to learn scientific knowledge through factual phenomena. Because all participating teachers consider 5Why scaffolding questioning to be time-consuming and hard to enforce, we recommend that teachers can use 5Why scaffolding questioning on suitable topics from textbooks or club activities.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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