
电脑科技應用在學校教育改革的實踐思維:Larry Cuban之科技論述


The Practical Thinking on the Use of Computer Technology in School Educational Reform: Larry Cuban's Discourse on Technology




劉修豪(Hsiu-Hao Liu)


Larry Cuban ; 學校文化 ; 教育改革 ; 科技改革 ; Larry Cuban ; the grammar of school ; educational reform ; technology reform




23卷2期(2010 / 12 / 01)


125 - 152




學校文化與科技改革的互動,並非單一方向純技術性的問題,而是歷史、政治、社會的議題。美國教育史學者Larry Cuban以其對科技應用在教育改革的歷史思維,檢視科技為本的教育改革中學校根深蒂固的文化結構,說明學校科技使用有限的原因。本研究採以歷史研究法及文獻分析,分別從教育改革說辭、論述與實務的分歧、學校文化與科技改革,以及科技改革的實踐等面向,探討Cuban是如何解構提問、如何從史料中提出驗證、如何從學校中尋求科技使用的脈絡、如何將現況轉為正面的思維,省思其對教育改革的啟示。綜合歸納出:(1)科技進入學校現場中普遍存在著窘境;(2)學校文化結構的堅定信念造成科技有限的使用;(3)教師使用或抵抗科技是科技倡導者的政治性宣稱;(4)教育參與者應承擔社會倫理的責任,訴諸於科技使用的公共論述等結論。


There are not only the technical issues but also the historical, political, social ones when it comes to academic culture and technology reform. This paper outlines an alternative theorization which follows Larry Cuban's historical thinking on the use of technology in educational reform. He examined the grammar of school when reformers initiated technology-based reform. This paper adopts history research and documentary analysis, then focuses on the deconstruction, verification, context and practice of Cuban's historical thinking on technology, and finally rethinks the implications for technology-based reform in education. We conclude as follows: (1) There are dilemmas in the technology-based reform. (2) There are persistent beliefs in the grammar of school. (3) There are political issues in teachers using technology. (4) There are responsibilities of social ethics in educators.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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