


An Analysis of the Rural Area Elementary School Teachers' Awareness of the Disadvantaged Social Environment and Their Responsive-Teaching of Schooling




簡良平(Liang-Ping Juan)


弱勢社區環境 ; 教學回應 ; 教師課程意識 ; the disadvantaged social environment ; responsive teaching ; teachers' curriculum consciousness




23卷2期(2010 / 12 / 01)


37 - 64






From September 2005 to June 2007, the researcher invited 43 teachers in rural area elementary schools, north Taiwan by random-sample for interviews and instruction observation. The data were analyzed from the concepts of the poverty theories, sociology of education, and critical pedagogy for empowering the disadvantaged students. The finding of the research was that the teachers actually were aware of the problems that there were many shortages of social capital and cultural capital in the poor communities and children's families, but most of the teachers' responsive-teaching and school curriculum practice usually were conservative. The number of teachers who adopted knowledge-center curriculum in their classrooms was larger than the number of teachers who adopted social construction curriculum and learner-centered curriculum. The researcher tried to explore how the assumptions that always existed in the school curriculum context strongly formed the teachers' curriculum consciousness and their curriculum practice. Finally, the research suggests that we can encourage teachers to reflect their views concerning education of the disadvantaged students and deliberately decide their curriculum practice in order to elevate the quality of rural elementary schooling.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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