


The Influence of the Elementary Students' Early English Learning Experience on their English Motivation and Academic Achievements




曹純瓊(Chwen-Chyong Tsau);郝佳華(Chia-Hua Hao)


幼兒園英語學習經驗 ; 學習動機 ; kindergarten English learning experience ; learning motivation




23卷2期(2010 / 12 / 01)


95 - 123






This study aimed to investigate the influence of early English learning experience in kindergarten on the English motivation and academic achievements of 1(superscript st) and 3(superscript rd) graders who just started formal English lessons at elementary schools in Kaohsiung area. An English Learning Motivation Questionnaire (ELMQ) based on Gardner's social-educational model of second language acquisition (SLA) was designed with good content validity and reliability. Questionnaires and document analysis were adopted in the study; 2,339 students from 11 elementary schools in Kaohsiung area were invited to fill out the ELMQ and their 1(superscript st) semester scores of English, Math and Chinese were obtained for further analysis. Quantitative data was processed by descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA, t-test, Scheffé analysis with SPSS 15.0 for Windows. The results were as follows: (1) 62.4% students started learning English in kindergarten, (2) the 'English learning start time', 'English learning place', 'English learning hours', and 'English teacher's qualification' of the early English learning experiences showed different levels of positive influence on elementary students' English learning motivation including instrumental and integrative motivation, and (3) Students who had early English learning experiences outperformed students who did not in terms of their English, Math, and Chinese scores in the 1(superscript st) semester. This suggests that learning English early may have a positive influence on students' academic achievement later on.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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