


Exploring the Dimensions of School Distributed Leadership: Verification of the Triarchic Theory of Interaction among the Leaders, Followers, and Situation




張奕華(I-Hua Chang);顏弘欽(Hung-Chin Yen)


分散式領導 ; 教育領導 ; 測量模式 ; distributed leadership ; educational leadership ; measurement model




25卷2期(2012 / 12 / 01)


225 - 253






This study explores the dimensions of school distributed leadership, verifying its factor structure. First, based on discussions in related literature, this study used the triarchic theory of interaction among the leaders, followers, and situation as the basis of its theory before developing the measurement items. Second, 1,027 teachers from public elementary schools in Taiwan were selected for data collection, and were randomly divided into calibration sample, validation sample, and cross-validation sample. Using exploratory factor analysis, four factor dimensions (open-minded principal, members' positive beliefs, members' positive participation, and school atmosphere) for the measurement model were determined. To further validate the appropriateness of the measurement model, we compared the strategies of the competing models, finding that the multiple-factor oblique model and the hierarchical model were the appropriate measurement models for school distributed leadership. The results of this study provide a theoretical framework and can be used to measure and to better understand the status of school distributed leadership.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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