


First-Generation College Students: A Study of Their College Experiences, Learning Outcomes, and Destination after Graduation




劉若蘭(Ruo-Lan Liu);林大森(Da-Sen Lin)


畢業流向 ; 第一代大學生 ; 就學經驗 ; 學習成果 ; college experiences ; destination after graduation ; first-generation college students ; learning outcomes




25卷2期(2012 / 12 / 01)


97 - 130






The purpose of this study was to explore the relationships between college experiences, learning outcomes and destination after graduation for first-generation and non-fist-generation college students. Survey data from the ”higher education database” built by the NTNU Education Research and Assessment Center were used for data analysis. The present study specifically adopted data collected in School Year 2005 on third-year students and the data from tracking students in the senior year and one year after graduation. The college experiences consisted of academic and aspiration, social assets, financial assets, and cultural assets. And the learning outcomes include graduation rating and employability. Results of the study show that, the financial assets and cultural assets of first-generation college students are lower than that of non-first-generation college students and there is no significant difference in social assets between the two groups. First-generation college students who had low educational aspiration, longer work hours, positive peer relationship and career planning capabilities had a higher percentage rate of working full time within one year of graduation. For both first-generation and non-first-generation college students who had higher educational aspiration, more academic involvement, and those who went to cram school and had higher graduation rating also had a higher percentage rate of studying full time after graduation. However, first-generation college students who read a wider range of books had a lower percentage rate of studying full time after graduation. Finally, recommendations for planning effective programs and promoting first-generation students' learning quality and employment are presented.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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