


The Instructional Design of Case Method Combined with Role-Playing in the Soil and Groundwater Training Courses


華梅英(Mei-Yin Hwa);周鴻騰(Hong-Teng Chow);王順美(Shun-Mei Wang)


六價鉻污染 ; 角色扮演 ; 案例教學法 ; case method ; hexavalent chromium pollution ; role-playing




26卷2期(2013 / 12 / 01)


103 - 132






Almost all environmental problems are caused by human. Besides being good at environmental engineering theory and technology, to enhance the ability to solve environmental problems, the environmental practitioners need a closer understanding of the stance of different stakeholders. This study is an instructional design combining both ”case method” and ”role-playing” into the ”Soil and Groundwater Talent Training Courses” in Taipei. The curriculum is based on the hexavalent chromium pollution case in Yunlin County. Each group of students is encouraged to play four roles, inculding leather factory owners, farmers, environmental officials, and soil testing professionals. Each group of students has to propose solution strategies after discussion and consultation. The study adopts a single group posttest design. The qualitative data were analyzed using content analysis. The quantitative data were analyzed through proportion and Pearson correlation. Results were as follows: (1) The solution strategies identified by the students include: ”mutual communication”, ”consensus-building”, and ”the formation of an environmental committee”. (2) More than 80% of students were satisfied with the instruction, and they found it helpful in terms of knowledge and skills in doing surveying. A moderate positive correlation exists between students' participation and learning satisfaction. A reflection concerning this instruction design along with some recommendations are provided.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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