


The Construction of a Personal Brand Scale for Preschool Teachers


黃義良(Yi-Lian Huang)


幼兒教師 ; 個人品牌 ; 量表 ; personal brand ; preschool teachers ; scales




27卷1期(2014 / 06 / 01)


65 - 94






The purpose of this study is to construct a personal brand scale for preschool teachers. Based on the three dimensions ability, standard, and style, proposed by McNally and Speak (2002), a scale with good reliability and validity was established through standard procedures. Viewpoints of stakeholders from different sources, including administrators, preschool teachers, and parents, were investigated by questionnaire survey. Kindergartens in Taiwan were selected via stratified random sampling, and 379 valid questionnaire responses were retrieved. After comparing two competing models, the five-factor model was found to be a better fit. The five dimensions are "capacity of caring and guidance", "professional knowledge," "personal traits", "image and deportment," and "standards of dealing with things". The first two dimensions are concerning capabilities, the next two dimensions are styles, and the last one is concerning standards. The questionnaire comprises a total of 34 items. This scale, given its good reliability and validity, may be a useful reference for preschool teachers interested in creating their personal brands.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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