The idea of conscientização is the core concept in Paulo Freire's theory of education, and in order to understand the idea of conscientização, its process must be first explored. As there is a close relationship between conscientização and oppression, this study explores the analysis of oppression from Freire’s perspective to better understand conscientização. Freire's analysis of oppression is based on Hegel's “dialectic of the lord and bondsman" and Marx's "analysis of oppression." For this reason, philosophical literature analysis and theoretical hermeneutics analysis are used. This study first analyzes the origin of Freire's analysis of oppression and it next analyzes the process of conscientização. Based on this exploration, teaching methods for developing students' critical consciousness are identified as follows: (1) guide students in the realization of individual freedom, (2) guide students to realize the nature of the ideological myth, (3) recognize that students are individuals with consciousness, (4) understand that teachers and students are all cognitive subjects in teaching activities, (5) teach through problem-posing and dialogue, and (6) develop students' critical consciousness with a combination of reflection and action.
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