Viewing teaching as social praxis and classroom as the place of reform and development, I, the instructor and the action researcher, made a reflective narrative inquiry on my teaching praxis of subjectivity construction for "others" (students with marginalized experience) in the past decade. Students' predicaments and the context of my action were described. The students indeed unfold their subjectivity by applying the methods of "critical-praxis orientation narrative text writing" and "dialogue in diverse frame-of-seeing". Knowledge produced from praxis are extracted especially on the profound meaning of "narrative" and "story" and how they are related with "action". Furthermore, how "reflexivity" plays a critical role in the narrative writing is addressed, and the effect of "dialogue in diverse frame-of-seeing" and how it is operated are illustrated. To promote sttudents' reflective thinking and to facilitate their social praxis, "a movable classroom" to generate interactions with communities of social diversity would be designed in the next instructional plan.
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