


A Comparative Study on the Relationship Between Learning Motivations and Outcomes of College Students in Taiwan and Shenzhen Region of Mainland China: Learning Modes as Mediators


何希慧(Sophia Shi-Huei Ho);彭耀平(Yao-Ping Peng)


兩岸大學生 ; 高等教育 ; 學生學習成效 ; 學習動機 ; 學習模式 ; cross-strait college students ; higher education ; learning modes ; learning motivation ; student learning outcome




29卷1期(2016 / 06 / 01)


139 - 171




過往西方研究多以東方文化檢視亞洲地區學生,然而,相同的文化情境卻可能因不同的社會體制,導致教與學結果的差異。本研究試圖從心理動機角度,檢視臺灣與中國大陸學生的學習動機類型,並評估其學習模式與學習成效間關係比較。樣本調查對象以兩岸大學商學院學生為主,研究變數之操作性定義改編自Li 等人(2007)、Nasir 等人(2009)、Philip 等人(2008)、Pike等人(2011)及White 等人(2008)所開發之研究量表,以李克特5 點尺度進行測量,取樣方式採立意抽樣,問卷填答者以樣本學校之二、三、四年級學生為主。臺灣有效問卷數計378 份,中國大陸為273 份,以AMOS 軟體進行結構方程模式(SEM)分析兩群組樣本在研究路徑關係之比較。研究結果顯示,臺灣學生在應用型學習的認知程度高於大陸學生,但在學業認同的認知程度則低於大陸學生。另在路徑分析部分,臺灣學生在角色認同對於探索型及應用型學習的正向影響,及應用型學習對認知獲益與非認知獲益的正向影響皆優於大陸學生。


Previous studies in the relationship of learning motivation and outcome were mostly conducted on research samples in Asia from the perspective of oriental culture; however, under the same cultural background, different social systems might lead to different teaching and learning outcomes. Therefore, this study examines the learning motivation patterns of Taiwan and Mainland China college students from the perspectives on psychological motivation, and investigates the relationship between learning modes and learning outcomes. Adopting judgmental sampling, a total of 651 valid questionnaires were collected from cross-strait business college sophomore, junior, and senior students. The measurement scales were developed by Li et al. (2007), Nasir et al. (2009), Philip et al. (2008), Pike et al. (2011), White et al. (2008), and all measures were 5-point Likert-type scales. The path relationship of the two groups was examined through structural equation modeling (SEM) using AMOS. The results showed that exploitative learning was perceived as more effective by the college students in Taiwan as compared to those in Mainland China. In terms of academic identity, the contrary is the case. However, in path analysis, Taiwanese students were superior to Chinese students in regard to the positive influence of role identity on exploitative and explorative learning and the positive influence of exploitative learning on cognitive and non-cognitive gains.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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