


An Exploration of Derrida’s Philosophy of Deconstruction and Its Implications for Education


洪如玉(Ru-Yu Hung)


延異 ; 痕跡 ; 解構 ; 增補 ; deconstruction ; Derrida ; différance ; supplement ; trace




29卷1期(2016 / 06 / 01)


173 - 197




本文試圖探討後結構思想家Jacques Derrida 的解構思想,從四個主要解構思想概念的探討開始,分別是「解構」(deconstruction)、「延異」(différance)、「痕跡」(trace)、「增補」(supplement),進而探討其思想在教育面向上的四點蘊義:一、透過解構文本語言結構解構思想傳統;二、創造各種閱讀經典的可能性衍生無窮的教育意義;三、超越「聽、說、讀、寫」的教育想像;四、以遊戲之生命態度增補嚴肅之理論態度。其次本文以三個事例探究解構思想策略運用的效力及其限制,三個事例分別關注中國古代社會女性纏足以及印度寡婦殉夫的性別身體政治學、圖書館學與知識分類、Paul de Man 事件之倫理學含意,由上述概念與事例之剖析,指出解構對教育之最深刻的意義在於持續的自我質疑與自我挑戰,並不在於直接在現實俗務上的挪用與應用,否則解構反而可能喪失其靈動性的批判力。


This paper aims to discuss the post-structural philosopher Jacques Derrida’s philosophy of deconstruction and its implications for education. There are four main notions to be investigated: deconstruction, différance, trace and supplement. By interrogating the four notions, the author reveals four implications for education. They are as follows: 1) The deconstruction of the textual structure is to deconstruct the traditions of thought. 2) Reading the Classics in different ways is helpful to increase educational meanings. 3) Imagination about education should go beyond the conventional way of learning by means of "listening, speaking, reading and writing". 4) Playfulness is able to replenish austerity in theorizing ways of life. The author, then, uses three examples concerning gender body politics, library and information science, and the Paul de Man event to explore the dynamics and limits of the deconstruction as a strategy of analyzing the discourse. At the end, the author concludes that the most profound significance of deconstruction lies in continuous self-questioning and self-challenging rather than serving as a tool of straightforward appropriation and application to reality affairs. Otherwise, the notion of deconstruction could lose its dynamical criticality.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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