


Content Analysis of Online Undergraduate Student-Generated Questions and the Development of Its Creativity Indicators


于富雲(Fu-Yun Yu);蘇嘉鈴(Chia-Ling Su)


有趣性 ; 創意指標 ; 新奇性 ; 適切性 ; 學生網路出題 ; creativity index ; interestingness ; novelty ; online student-generated questions ; usefulness




29卷1期(2016 / 06 / 01)


97 - 137




有鑑於目前學生網路出題研究的不足處(學生出題內容分析與創意指標建立之研究多涉及數學學習領域,選定結構性問題類型,採用紙本出題方式,甚少關注學生出題情意層面),本研究目的有二:一、採質化角度,以內容分析法解析大學生網路出題的內容、創意形式與技巧;二、發展大學生網路出題創意品質的評估指標,探討不同創意程度題目在各指標的差異,建立指標效度。研究目的一,以54 名師培生進行網路學生出題活動所編寫的792 道題目進行內容分析;研究目的二,以另一批40 名師培生於共識評量卷之回應資料,進行重複量數變異數分析與事後比較。主要研究發現:一、學生出題內容多能環繞與個人生活相關題材;二、學生多能善用電腦科技特有格式化或多彩圖案功能,達多項用途;三、學生網路出題允許多樣創意形式、技巧的展現;四、三種不同創意程度題目在新奇性與有趣性有顯著差異,此結果支持新奇性與有趣性之分類與定義具效度;然適切性未達顯著差異,此結果支持增加題目新奇、有趣成分無損適切性之論述。文末,根據研究發現,提出學生出題與創意教學以及未來研究之建議。


In light of current research gaps in online student-generated questions (SGQ) (as most studies on the content types, forms, and performance criteria of SGQ are done in math, adopting a structured format, using a paper-and-pencil form, and paying less attention to affective aspects), the purposes of this study are: first, to analyze the content, forms, and techniques of online SGQ via content analysis; second, to develop the creative indicators for online SGQ and establish the validity of the devised indicators. For the first purpose, 792 questions generated by 54 student teachers during online SGQ activities were subjected to content analysis. For the second purpose, another group of 40 student teachers completed a consensus questionnaire, and the data were analyzed via repeated measures, followed by post-hoc comparisons. Four major findings were obtained: 1) with regard to the contents of online SGQ, connections to personal daily life and future personal goals were frequently observed; 2) most participants took advantage of the formatting, color, and graphics features afforded in computer technologies during online SGQ to suit multiple purposes; 3) participants exhibited versatile skills during SGQ; 4) questions with different levels of creativity differed significantly in terms of novelty and interestingness indicators, supporting the validity of the devised indicators. Yet, no significant differences were found in the usefulness indicator, supporting the claim that novelty and interestingness do not necessarily compromise the perceived usefulness of the generated item. Based on the findings, suggestions for SGQ, creative teaching, and future research are provided.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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