


Implementation and Support Measures for Mixed-age Teaching in Elementary and Junior High Schools: A Multiple Case Study


林欣毅(Hsin-Yi Lin);鄭章華(Chang-Hua Chen);廖素嫻(Su-Hsien Liao)


少子化 ; 合作學習 ; 協同教學 ; 差異化教學 ; 探究式教學法 ; 混齡教學 ; cooperative learning ; differentiated instruction ; inquiry-based instruction ; mixed-age teaching ; team teaching ; low birth rate




29卷2期(2016 / 12 / 01)


1 - 31






As a result of low birth rate and population decline, mixed-age teaching is critical for accommodating the needs of classes with fewer students and for effectively integrating and utilizing school resources to provide students with adaptive learning opportunities. Through literature analysis, classroom observations, and interviews, the underlying reasons for mixed age teaching, methods of implementation and support measures employed by schools are explored. The findings of this study are as follows: 1) The justifications for mixed-age teaching are based on educational philosophy and practical considerations; 2) mixed-age teaching is implemented through four approaches; namely, inquiry-based instruction, team teaching, cooperative learning, and differentiated instruction; and 3) measures for supporting mixed-age teaching can be analyzed and discussed from three aspects: teachers’ professional development, curriculum planning, and school administration support. Overall, implementing mixed-age teaching requires further support on aspects of pre-service teacher education, professional development, curriculum planning, teaching implementation, and administrative measures. Studies on mixed-age teaching in elementary and junior high schools in Taiwan are preliminary. The results of the studies may assist the educational research community in understanding and implementing mixed-age teaching.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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