


The Study on Continuing Learning Motivation, Consume Behavior and Learning Berries of Retirees in Taiwan


張軒瑄(Hsuan-Hsuan Chang);林家葆(Chi-Pai Lin)


退休族群 ; 再學習 ; 學習動機 ; 學習阻礙 ; Retiree ; continuing learning ; learning motivation ; learning barriers




10卷1期(2015 / 06 / 01)


35 - 55






Due to the advancement on medical technology and quality, people could live longer than before, which highlighted the importance how retirees plan their life. People who are 50 to 65 years old are considered as the richest group in Taiwan and their fortune accounts for at least 55% in Taiwan. The most important thing is they are willing to learn something to enrich their retirement life. The purpose of this study is to identify retiree's learning motivation and behavior including information search, spending on learning and learning barriers, and furthermore to investigate any difference existing between north and south part of Taiwan towards continuing learning market. The study uses questionnaires to collect information from retirees of Community University and Social Education Center in North and South Taiwan. The study population is the retirees whose age is between 50 to 65 years old and had experience of participating in continuing learning classes. According to the study result, retirees located in northern Taiwan participated in continuing learning classes due to their enthusiasm for acquiring knowledge and self-growth; the retirees in the southern Taiwan were based on the reason of socialization to make more friends. The retirees in the south part feel more barriers due to the shortage of their self-confidence. Furthermore, the retirees with different socio-economic background have statistically difference on their learning motivations and barriers. The research result also found that the retirees between northern and southern Taiwan also express statistically significant differences on information searching about continuing learning classes, frequency of attending the classes, and the spending on continuing learning classes.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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