


The influence of job demand-support on leisure satisfaction: The mediating role of work-to-leisure conflict


李銓(Chuan Lee);劉士豪(Shih-Hao Liu)


工作對休閒衝突 ; 工作要求 ; 工作支持 ; 休閒滿意度 ; 疆界理論 ; work-to-leisure conflict ; job demand ; job support ; border theory




10卷2期(2015 / 12 / 01)


29 - 48




由於國民所得的提升,休閒生活已成為現在人生活中重要的一部分。人們已越來越重視其休閒角色。但目前僅有少數研究探討工作-休閒衝突議題。因而,本研究將探討工作對休閒衝突在工作環境因素(工作要求與工作支持)與個人休閒滿意度關係中所扮演的角色。本研究回顧了工作要求、工作支持、工作對休閒衝突以及休閒滿意度等變數之相關文獻藉以推導出研究假說。本研究以問卷調查法進行資料收集,共收集了504 個有效樣本,並以結構方程模式進行假說檢定。根據研究結果發現,工作對休閒衝突在工作環境因素(工作要求與工作支持)與休閒滿意度間扮演中介變數之角色。本研究根據分析結果提供管理實務上之建議並指引未來研究方向。


Leisure domain is an importance part of human life today because of raising of GDP. People pay more and more attention on leisure role. However, There are few studies about work-leisure conflict issue. In this study, the role of work-leisure conflict on the relationship between working conditions (including job demand and job support.) and leisure satisfaction was explored. The literatures about Job demand, Job support, work-to-leisure conflict, leisure satisfaction, Border theory were reviewed for deducing hypotheses. Questionnaire was used for data collection and 504 valid samples collected for data analysis. Structure equation modelling is employed for hypotheses test. According to the finding. Work-to-leisure conflict plays a mediating role in the relationship between working conditions (job demand and job control) and leisure satisfaction. The suggestions according to the result are provided for managerial practice and further researches.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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