


The Influence of Travel Involvement, Effects of Information Transmission from Mass Media on Travel Intention


陳錦玉(Chin-Yu Chen)


旅遊涉入 ; 資訊傳遞效果 ; 旅遊意願 ; travel involvement ; effect of information transmission ; travel intention




10卷2期(2015 / 12 / 01)


49 - 69




本研究目的在於探討旅遊者不同的旅遊涉入與傳播媒體的資訊傳遞效果,對其旅遊意願之影響差異。本研究採問卷調查方式,有效問卷393 份以SPSS18.0 軟體進行描述性統計分析、t-檢定、單因子變異數分析、及多元迴歸分析。研究結果發現,基本資料不同,在旅遊涉入、資訊傳遞效果、與旅遊意願上均有明顯差異存在。旅遊涉入之產品涉入及個人涉入對資訊傳遞效果均具有解釋力,其中又以產品涉入構面對資訊傳遞效果的解釋力較高。對傳播媒體之資訊傳遞效果的有用性、正確可靠、豐富完整等構面,及旅遊涉入之產品涉入構面認同度愈高,則旅遊意願也愈高,其中又以資訊傳遞效果比旅遊涉入對旅遊意願有較高的解釋力。最後依據研究結果提出相關之管理意涵及未來研究建議。


The purposes of this study were to find the influences of travel involvement and effects of information transmission of mass media on travel intention. This study employed questionnaires to acquire data. A total of 393 valid questionnaires were analyzed by using SPSS for windows 18.0 through descriptive statistics, t-test, one way ANOVA, and multiple regression analysis. The study results showed significant differences between backgrounds and travel involvement, effects of information transmission, and travel intention, respectively. The travel involvement had a positive relationship with the effects of information transmission; especially the product involvement had higher explanation power to the effects of information transmission. The multiple regression analysis showed a positive relationship between the factors of usefulness, trustworthy, and abundance in effects of information transmission variable and product involvement in travel involvement variable and travel intention variable. The effects of information transmission variable has higher explanation power than travel involvement on predicting travel intention. Finally, the study provides management implications and suggestions for future studies based on the study results.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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