


Exploring behavioral intention to travel in Taiwan from the Malaysia International Tourism Exhibition


羅文玲(Wen-Ling Lo);李明聰(Ming-Tsung Lee)


目的地意象 ; 旅遊訊息來源 ; 行為意圖 ; Destination images ; Source of travel information ; Behavioral intention




11卷2期(2016 / 12 / 01)


1 - 18




自2016 年以來來臺陸客劇減,觀光業者上街頭抗議,因應觀光南向政策,馬來西亞人民高購買力、華人華語無障礙和交通便利,為東南亞來臺旅遊最有潛力觀光市場。研究結果顯示目的地意象以便利的大眾運輸、寧靜和輕鬆的氣氛、當地居民友善和安全的環境與行為意圖顯著關係。旅遊訊息來源以口碑、報紙、旅遊組織網站和旅遊手冊與行為意圖正向影響。參觀旅遊展覽動機以收集未來採購旅遊訊息、市場價格比價與獲得折扣和特別優惠與行為意圖正向影響。茲提供公部門-觀光行政機關和私部門-觀光產業在有限經費採買廣告參考,吸引華人到臺灣旅遊或招徠原本想去臺灣以外國家觀光的馬來西亞人,改變心意轉到臺灣旅遊。


This study conducted questionnaire surveys for visitors in the Malaysia Autumn Travel Exhibition. The main purpose is to use research analysis to understand the influential relationships among destination images, source of travel information, motivation for viewing travel exhibitions, and behavioral intentions for Malaysians toward Taiwan. The research results show, in destination images, convenient public transportation, restful/relaxing atmosphere, friendly local people, and safe and secure environment have positive effects on future plans for international and domestic travel. In terms of source of travel information, word-of-mouth, newspaper, tourist organizations' websites, and brochures have positive effects on future plans for international and domestic travel. As for the motivation for viewing travel exhibitions, the goals to collect information for future purchases, compare market prices, and get discounts and special promotions have positive effects on future plans for international and domestic travel.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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