


The study of the workload and labor demands of bakery chefs in Taiwan


陳建中(Chien-Chung Chen);戴國堯(Kuo-Yao Dai);林希軒(Si-Shyun Lin)


烘焙廚師 ; 工作負擔 ; 勞務要求 ; 經營型態 ; 廚師階層 ; bakers ; workload ; labor demands




11卷2期(2016 / 12 / 01)


37 - 57






Due to the fact that few prior studies focused on bakers' jobs, this study investigated the workload and labor demands of bakers in Taiwan and compared differences among junior and senior bakers of various types of bakeries. We interviewed bakers currently working in traditional bakeries, hotels, center kitchens, and wholesale stores. It is found that bakers in traditional bakeries have the heaviest workload or physical labor demand and the fewest holidays, followed by bakers working in center kitchens, wholesale stores, and hotels. In terms of physical labor, junior bakers have more non-technical labor demands. Regarding mental labor, bakers have to keep learning and improving their skills and senior bakers have to design and develop new creative products. In terms of emotional labor, bakers need to learn to control their tempers while facing their supervisors or employers as well as customers. In terms of aesthetical labor, bakers have to pay attention to their dressing code while facing customers; senior bakers are required to be able to decorate cake or dishes.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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