Ranked as the top sixth state in yacht manufacturing, Taiwan did not provide residents with considerable accessibility to ocean recreation and tourism. Since 5-6 years ago when the central government prioritized the yacht recreation industry as one of the strategically economic backbones, as well as the strong emergence of Chinese economic circle, yacht recreation has attracted people's attentions on investment and development. A marina or yacht club would be the pioneering effort to promote yacht recreation and tourism in Taiwan. However, empirical studies relevant to yacht recreation, marina operation, and club marketing are relatively lacking, which would be important references for the burgeoning industry. In order to fill the research gap, this study targeted on yacht recreationists in Taiwan, the potential members of yacht clubs and investigated their intention to purchase services provided by marinas; attitudes, subject norm, and perceived behavior control toward yacht recreation and club services; and socioeconomic characteristics using the TPB (Theory of Planned Behavior) model. There were 276 filled questionnaires by 2 types of potential members: yacht drivers or owners and participants of yacht recreational activities were received and analyzed to reveal different magnitudes of effects these predictors hold on 7 types of marina services. Through MLR analysis, Attitude ("social recognition" aspect) and Perceived Behavior Control are found the significant predictors of purchasing intensions of the yacht drivers or owners for the most of marina services. The similar findings are shown for the participants of yacht recreational activities. Also, the research aims at providing the findings for reference of governmental and practical strategies.
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