


Niche or bubble: Medical Tourism Development in Hualien


黃文倢(Wen-jie Huang);遲恒昌(Heng-chang Chi)


醫療觀光 ; 權益關係人 ; 醫療觀光促進者 ; medical tourism ; stakeholder ; medical tourism facilitator




13卷2期(2018 / 12 / 01)


49 - 71






Focusing on the development of the medical tourism policy of Hualien, this research explores the key stakeholders who play roles in medical tourism. The data were drawn from interviews with 13 key actors involved in medical tourism policy, including local government officials, medical-tourism facilitators, and people in the medical-services and hospitality-and-travel sectors. There are four main research findings. First, the policy has set Chinese medical tourists as the target tourists, although only a few tourists have come to use the services. Second, the reason that local travel agents have disappeared from the policy network is that their business is mostly concerned with outbound tourism; another reason is that they are constrained by medical laws and unable to generate commission. Third, the evaluation of policy outcomes is problematic and prone to overestimates. Fourth, this medical tourism policy is currently still at the beginning stage, and therefore its economic benefits and social impact are not obvious. This study suggests that policy-makers design an accurate evaluation of policy outcomes and consider the economic and social impacts after the development of medical tourism.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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