


Development Analysis of the Major Inbound Tourism Source Market in Taiwan-the Chinese Source Market


陳錦玉(Chin-Yu Chen)


旅遊市場發展 ; 入境旅遊 ; 市場規模 ; 中國客源 ; 台灣 ; Travel market development ; Inbound tourism ; Market scale ; Chinese source market ; Taiwan




14卷1期(2019 / 06 / 01)


1 - 30






China has become the fastest growing outbound market in the world tourism market, and contributes the largest amount of outbound tourists from Asia and Pacific region. Countries world wide pay high attention to Chinese outbound tourism market. After the formal two-way traveling policy opened between Taiwan and China, Chinese tourists travel to Taiwan have undergone a dramatic growing. Since then, Chinese tourist market has been the major inbound tourism market in Taiwan. The Chinese tourist market remains the largest tourist market scale in the development of Taiwan's inbound tourism market. Thus, the study focus on the Chinese tourist market to profile the development of the major tourist source market. The study adopted the secondary data analysis mehtod by collecting time series data from the official institutions of Taiwan since Taiwan authorities lifted the ban on Chinese tourists travel to Taiwan. To comprehend the potential of developing the Chinese tourist source market, this study analyzed the second data to display the market share and development situation of this market. The results showd that the opening travel regulation was released gradually. The Taiwan government has also gradually simplified the application procedure for Chinese tourists to Taiwan. In spite of the market scale of the inbound market of Chinese source declined for the several years under the influence of changing political relationship between two-strait, the Chinese tourists market is still the largest inbound tourism market in Taiwan. The average shopping expense of per Chinese tourist is still higher than the average of per inbound tourist. Finally, the study proposed strategies for future development of the Chinese inbound tourist market and suggestions for development of the inbound tourism market in Taiwan.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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