


The Relationship between Lifestyle and Leisure Behavior of the Unmarried Females


呂傑華(Chieh-Hua Lu);林芯榆(Hsin-Yu Lin)


晚婚 ; 未婚女性 ; 生活型態 ; 休閒行為 ; Late-marriage ; Unmarried females ; Lifestyles ; Leisure behavior




14卷1期(2019 / 06 / 01)


31 - 54






The purposes of this study are to explore: (a) the relationship between the unmarried females' lifestyles and leisure behaviors, and (b) the factors that affect leisure behaviors of the unmarried females. The major findings are as follows: (a) By factor analysis, the unmarried females can separate into 6 lifestyle types of "following fashion and shopping", "being active in social", "sharing joy and enjoying leisure with family", "accomplishing achievements in career", "participating in life of religion", and "exercising and keeping physical fitness". (b) The types of leisure behaviors of the unmarried females can be divided into "intellectuality and art", "aerobics and fitness", "home furnishing life", "outdoor sports", "outdoor recreation", "food and party", and "faith and service". (c) By cluster analysis, the unmarried females can be identified into three lifestyle clusters: the "home life and career development", "diversified and balanced life", and "keeping physical fitness and social life." The result shows that significant difference exists between salary and three lifestyle clusters of the unmarried females. (d) The leisure behaviors of the unmarried females have greatly positive to do with their lifestyle types. (e) By regression analysis, it implies that some of the demographics and most of the lifestyles can predict the unmarried females' leisure behaviors.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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