


Does Restaurant Atmosphere Matter? Investigating the Relationship Among Restaurant Atmosphere, Customer Satisfaction, Customer loyalty: The Moderating Role of Customers' Big Five Personality Traits


毛佩娟(Pei-Chuan Mao);江芮琦(Rui-Kie Kong);許含笑(Han-Hsiao Hsu);吳文童(Wen-Tung Wu)


S-O-R模型 ; 環境氣氛 ; 顧客滿意度 ; 顧客忠誠度 ; 人格特質 ; S-O-R model ; atmosphere ; customer satisfaction ; customer loyalty ; personality trait




14卷2期(2019 / 12 / 01)


1 - 20






Nowadays, customers have been paying more attention on the experience they have when they dine out in restaurants. This research adopted S-O-R model to delineate relationships among restaurant atmosphere, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty, and further investigated the moderation of customers' Big Five personality traits. Convenience sampling was adopted and 345 samples were collected. Hierarchical regression analysis was adopted for hypothesis testing. Research results indicated that restaurant atmosphere positively influenced customer satisfaction, and customer satisfaction positively influenced customer loyalty. For the moderation effect, research findings indicated that customers' openness trait positively moderated the positively relationship between restaurant atmosphere and customer satisfaction, customers' agreeableness trait negatively influenced the relationship between restaurant atmosphere and customer satisfaction. Accordingly, this research provided academic and practical contributions and suggestions.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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