


The Impact of Promoting Overseas Internship on Students' Perceived Loyalty to the College


申元洪(Yuan-Hong Shen);陳家瑜(Chia-Yu Chen);朱于祺(Yu-Chi Chu)


海外實習 ; 機構形象 ; 機構聲望 ; 滿意度 ; 忠誠度 ; Overseas internship ; institutional image ; institutional reputation ; satisfaction ; loyalty




14卷2期(2019 / 12 / 01)


21 - 39






Cultivation of international competencies of students in tourism industry has long been identified as one of the major goals of educational institutions. Overseas internship programs help students develop their working abilities and interpersonal skills at the overseas workplaces, which is one of the methods that can develop students' "international competencies." The main objectives of this research are to explore the relationships among institution's overseas internship program, institutional image, institutional reputation, students' satisfaction and students' loyalty to institution. A survey method was used in this study, data were collected from 133 freshmen at the department of tourism from a domestic university which has active overseas internship programs. The results of the research have indicated that the students' perceptions of the institutional image, institutional reputation and their satisfaction with the institution were significantly affected by their understanding of institution's overseas internship programs. In addition, the institutional image and students' satisfaction in turn also affect positively students' loyalty to the institution. The greater the students' understanding of the overseas internship programs, as the research showed, the higher the degree of students' loyalty to the institution. The total effect of understanding of overseas internship program to students' loyalty to the institution is 0.205.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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