


The Impact of International Internship Program on Cross Cultural Competence, Career Self-efficacy and Employability


陳琪婷(Chi-Ting Chen);吳貞穎(Chen-Ying Wu)


海外實習 ; 跨文化能力 ; 生涯自我效能 ; 就業力 ; international internship ; cross cultural competence ; career self-efficacy ; employability




15卷2期(2020 / 12 / 01)


25 - 41






To cope with the growing global market, the overseas internship program is designed to enhance the employability of college students for their future career development. Thus, the study aims to examine the impact of international internship program on cross cultural competence, career self-efficacy and employability. Questionnaire survey and convenience sampling method were adopted to collect data. All participants in the study were college students, who completed the overseas internship program prior to the study. Data were analyzed by PLS2.0-SEM. Findings of the study indicate that the satisfaction of overseas internship program has a positive impact on cross cultural competence and career self-efficacy. Moreover, the relationship between the satisfaction of overseas internship program and employability is mediated by cross cultural competence and career self-efficacy. The results of study provide useful information for the education authorities and internship program organizers to augment the effectiveness and quality of the overseas internship program for preparing students for the global workforce.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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