


Determinants of glampers' loyalty in Taiwan


林莉萍(Li-Pin Lin);謝文凱(Wen-Kai Hsieh);許哲睿(Che-Jui Hsu)


露營 ; 豪華露營 ; 計畫行為理論 ; 再遊 ; 推薦 ; 忠誠度 ; camping ; glamping ; TPB ; revisit ; recommendation ; loyalty




16卷2期(2021 / 12 / 01)


1 - 22






Glamping has been emerging as an alternative type of outdoor recreation and lodging in many countries in the recent years. In Taiwan, it is noted that glamping has been introduced and rapidly developed since 3 years ago. When the development is relatively in a rapid manner, the definition and customers' perceptions all over the world are very diversified. Particularly, the industry, getting noticed and attractive for the young generations of camping participants will demand suggestions and findings of empirical studies. The relevant research is unfortunately scarce. Targeting this research gap, the current study conducted qualitative interviews with mangers of two well-known glamping sites and employed the TPB model to analyzed customers' information via questionnaire surveys. The researchers found customers' attitudes regarding the environmental features of the site and how it met customers' demands on outdoor activities were significant predictors of their loyalties. However, the subject norm and perceived behavior control were relatively less important determinants. The findings are expected to provide references for the developers and managers of sites of this kind in their glamping marketing and management.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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