


The impact of Airline Strikes on Passengers' Satisfaction and Switching Intentions-The Moderating role of Passenger Type and Strike Type


張軒瑄(Hsuan-Hsuan Chang);劉姿旻(Zi-Min Liu)


罷工態度 ; 乘客滿意度 ; 轉換意願 ; Strike passenger ; Satisfaction ; Switching Intentions




17卷1期(2022 / 06 / 01)


1 - 17






The awareness of labor rights is gradually rising. The strike is to refuse to work for protest. Labor and management can be said to be the opposition of the two camps. At that time, the loss caused by the strike was mainly the production stoppage, which made both labor and management unable to make money (Chen Bozhi , 2019). There were two strikes in Taiwan's aviation industry in 2019. The two incidents were EVA and China Airlines. Therefore, this study will focus on the strikes of China Airlines pilots and EVA flight attendants in 2019, as well as different types of passengers (commercial Passengers and Leisure Passengers) to explore the influence of individuals on airline employees' strike attitude, passenger satisfaction, and willingness to switch. In this study, an experimental method was used with a questionnaire, and the information during each strike was sorted into a video of about 10 minutes, and the subjects were allowed to fill out the questionnaire after watching it. The total number of valid questionnaires returned was 516. According to the type of strike, EVA released 245 valid questionnaires and China Airlines released 271. According to the type of passenger, there were 218 valid questionnaires sent by leisure passengers and 298 valid questionnaires issued by business passengers. The research results show that strike attitude has a positive effect on passenger satisfaction; passenger satisfaction has a negative effect on conversion willingness; different types of passengers will have a moderating effect from strike attitude to passenger satisfaction, while business passengers' satisfaction with airlines will not Because the occurrence of strikes has a greater impact, but leisure travelers are just the opposite, and they are susceptible to the impact of strikes and change their satisfaction.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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