


The study of relationship among destination image, travel motivation, experience value and behavioral intention- A case study of Pingxi Old Streets


李佳如(Chia-Ju Lee);楊舒涵(Shu-Han Yang);陳昱安(Yu-An Chen);潘蕙綺(Hui-Chi Pan);謝心慧(Xin-Hui Xie)


計畫行為理論 ; 目的地意象 ; 旅遊動機 ; 體驗價值 ; 行為意向 ; theory of planned behavior ; destination image ; travel motivation ; experience value ; behavioral intention




18卷1期(2023 / 06 / 01)


43 - 63






Many traditional long townhouses have been preserved on the Pingxi Old Streets, which features sky lanterns, old streets, and railroads. These enable tourists to revel in the nostalgic historical atmosphere and leisurely pace of life on the old street, adding to their positive tourism memories. The study use of the theory of planned behavior to investigate destination image influent behavioral intention through travel motivation and experience value by questionnaires. The data were processed through a descriptive statistics analysis, factor analysis, correlation analysis, and regression analysis. The results shows that destination image have positive impact on travel motivation, travel motivation have positive impact on experience value, experience value have positive impact on behavioral intention, and destination image have positive impact on behavioral intention through travel motivation and experience value. Conclusion and suggestions are provided on the basis of the empirical results for relevant units to reference in planning and marketing the tourism of the Pingxi Old Streets.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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