


Problem-Based Learning Orientated: Improving Efficiency of Tourism Undergraduate Students' Tour Leading Competency in Crisis Management


魏玉萍(Yu-Ping Wei);陳建方(Chien-Fang Chen);夏秉楓(Ping-Feng Hsia)


問題導向學習 ; PBL教學 ; 領隊 ; 危機處理能力 ; Problem-Based Learning ; PBL Teaching ; Tour Leader ; Crisis Management Competency




18卷2期(2023 / 12 / 01)


47 - 71






In the process of managing a group tour, Tour leaders' crisis management competence can significantly impact tour leaders' job performance as well as to travelers' tour experience. Since the vocational aspect of learning and teaching has been criticized and this issues did not receive much attention in research field. Tourism education and training is then required to adapt learner-central learning technique to address crisis management competency assessment. This study explores the effectiveness of a Problem-Based Learning (PBL) design project, taken as part of sophomore students in tourism department to develop leaders' crisis management competency. A pretest was distributed 4-weeks before PBL group project, and a posttest was distributed 4-weeks after PBL group project. A four-dimensional framework with 22 attributes is identified to represent tour leaders' crisis management competency. These dimensions are: command and information skills, co-ordination and integration skills, management and learning skills, and environmental stress Students rated themselves as having improved across a range of all 4 dimensions of crisis management professional skills as a result of the project. This paper makes conceptual contributions to tour leaders' crisis management research and provides useful insights into Tourism education and training.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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