


Intellectual Reflection/Lonely Existence: Influences of Bai Ciou's Poetics and Poetry in 1950s' and 1960s' on Enriching and Extending Modern Poetry


阮美慧(Mei-Hui Juan)


白萩 ; 現代詩 ; 知性的對決 ; 孤絕的存在 ; 詩的原始性關係 ; Bai Ciou (白萩) ; modern poetry ; intellectual reflection ; lonely existence ; original relationship of poetry




6期(2014 / 06 / 01)


229+231 - 279






Bai Ciou (白萩, 1937-) shows his literary talent at the age of 18. In 1955, he won the 1. Poetry Award from "Chinese Poetry Association" (中國新詩協會) for his work "compass" (羅盤). He is then hailed as a "poet of genius", attracting much attention from his colleagues. Owing to this, his poetics and poetry, emphasizing the modern essences of lonely existence and intellectual reflection, has certain inspiration for the writing of modern poetry.Bai Ciou (白萩) emphasizes the importance of experiment and innovation. He re-thinks the relationship between tradition and individuals, and suggests that poets cannot be subordinated to tradition, but has to go through and transcend it. This is indeed his interpretation of modernity. Besides, he puts forward the intellectuality of poetry, analyzing the difference between emotion and feeling and emphasizing the strict structure and organization of ideas. Those are the elements which keep the poetry in its integrality and eternality. Technically, he focuses on the arrangement of space (pictorial) and time (musical) of poetry, building the original relationship between poetry and things, which makes the poetry innovative in its images, rhymes and melodies. These novel approaches are introduced for showing the deep meaning of poetry, the real situation of existence and the loneliness in the reality in 1950s' and 1960s'. Bai Ciou's (白萩) poetry, being written in accurate language, is a kind of "seduction of heresy" and offers a new approach for modern poetry. Bai Ciou (白萩), as a real poet, is always at the forefront of the times.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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